Thursday, July 11, 2013

Free (& almost free) Kids Summer Activities

Go HERE to find participating Skating Rinks 
for the Kids Skate Free Summer Program

Go HERE to sign up 
 Registered kids will get TWO free games of bowling EVERY DAY throughout the summer! Some locations have started already. Policies and age restrictions can vary by location so be sure to check out the details where you sign up. 

Go HERE to get detailed info on the 
Each location will host the Summer Movie Express on 
Tuesdays & Wednesdays at 10am for nine weeks. 
Admission is $1 and a portion of the proceeds will benefit the Will Rogers Institute.

Go HERE to more info about the  
10 tickets to select G or PG-rated movies for ONLY $5 when purchased in advance, 
or you can also purchase tickets for $1 per ticket at the box office! 

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