Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Moringa ... the drumstick tree

Much of the plant is edible by humans or by farm animals. The leaves are rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C and minerals.
One hundred grams of fresh Moringa leaves have: 2 times the protein of 100 g yogurt (Moringa 8.3 g, yogurt 3.8 g); 4 times the calcium of 100 g milk (Moringa 434 mg, whole cow milk 120 mg); the same potassium as 100 g banana (Moringa 404 mg, banana 376 mg); the same vitamin A as 100 gm carrot (Moringa 738 µg, carrot 713 µg); 3 times the vitamin C of 100 g orange (Moringa 164 mg, orange 46.9 mg.

Feeding the high protein leaves to cattle has been shown to increase weight gain by up to 32% and milk production by 43 to 65%.
The seeds contain 30 to 40% oil that is high in oleic acid, while degreased meal is 61% protein.
The defatted meal is a flocculant and can be used in water purification to settle out sediments and undesirable organisms. (-thanks wikipedia)

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