Wednesday, April 3, 2013

FREE Whimsical Downloads from Paper Coterie

Positivity spreads like wildflowers. No sooner does one happy thought crop up do you find them all over the place. Everyone knows that spring is the best time to start growing new and wonderful things, so let’s all put on our garden gloves and plant some happiness. Then we can sit back and watch how beautiful the world becomes!
New printables are the perfect starters for gardens full of happy thinking. They’re bright, they’re cheery, and they contain some great affirmations to align your heart with happy.  Print them out for free and tack them up wherever you’d like to cultivate little patches of optimism:  the kitchen refrigerator, a bathroom mirror, your office wall, a classroom bulletin board, or anywhere and everywhere you can imagine. Or be a secret gardener of happiness and plant little happy surprises for your friends, loved ones, or even perfect strangers.  When it comes to growing positivity, you simply can’t have too much.
This spring, choose happiness and spread it around! See how big your garden of cheerfulness can get!

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